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The Law of the Seed

A few years ago, I set up a weaving workshop for 60 weavers in Oman, a country bordered by Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and across the Straits of Hormuz from Iran.  Oman is a fascinating place, as are its people, and one of the people I met stays in contact with me, regularly...

Spring cleaning for priorities…

Spring cleaning is like de-cluttering – it makes you feel good about yourself and your life…  At least, that’s the effect it has on me, which is just as well as we’ve a large old house and quite a lot of garden (and we’re not gardeners!!)...

Accumulated Stash

I was doing a little tidying of my workshop, just clearing out the area under the stairs today.  Wow.  Isn’t it amazing just how much stuff we accumulate?! It got me seriously alarmed as I pulled things out and took them outside so i could sort them into piles...

Maths and geology challenges

Homework…. Normally a word to make you shudder – the dread anticipation of hours lost doing things you don’t want to do, have no wish to learn, or things you know you ought to know but don’t really want to; or maybe wishing you’d spent...

Harbingers of Spring

Hurrah!  Spring is on the way!! Truly!! I promise!!  Especially to our friends currently immersed in piles of snow in the mid-west of America!  You may only see white out of your windows – if you can see out of your windows at all!! – but I can assure you...