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Texture in Textiles Booklet 2020 final
Included in the booklet is a bibliography listing several books that I have in my studio library and I am very lucky to be able to turn to them whenever I am looking for inspiration. So, even if you can’t access the MS Word Document right now, you can access the bibliography and get inspired for yourself.
The Textile Design Book Karin Jerstorp 1998 (This is the only book I cannot find on Amazon).
A Complete Guide to Creative Embroidery Beaney / Littlejohn 1997
Designing with Pattern Jan Messent 1992
Design Sources for Pattern Jan Messent 1992
Embroidery & Nature Jan Messent 1980
Creating Sketchbooks for Embroiderers & Textile Artists Kay Greenlees 2005
Art of Knitting Francoise Tellier-Loumagne 2004
Art of Embroidery Francoise Tellier-Loumagne 2006
Art of Felt Francoise Tellier-Loumagne 2008
Raising Surface with Machine Embroidery Maggie Grey 2003
Felt to Stitch Sheila Smith 2006
Weaving as an Art Form Theo Moorman 1975
Stitch, Dissolve, Distort in Machine Embroidery Maggie Grey 2006
Textures in Embroidery Val Campbell-Harding 1977
Textiles: The Art of Mankind Mary Schoesser 2012
Techniques of Rug Weaving Peter Collingwood 1993 (although this can be downloaded for free at
400 Knitting Stitches Potter Craft 2007
Hand Knitting, New Directions Alison Ellen 2010
Crochet Coral Reef Christine & Margaret Wertheim 2015 (This is currently out of stock – there was a big fire at the Institute for Figuring warehouse and much of their book stock was lost!)
As mentioned before, all these books are in my studio library (except Raising Surface with Machine Embroidery which I currently can’t find but which I hope will turn up!). The links will take you to an associated Amazon page where you can order the books. In the interests of transparency, the Amazon links are affiliate links which allows me to earn a small commission should you buy one of these books through these links. I appreciate and fully respect that not everyone likes to use Amazon!
At the time of re-publishing in 2020, we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and all teaching is suspended. As teaching is how I usually earn my living, I am having to adopt other methods to try to get by until my studio is open to students once again. Thank you for your understanding.