Your Hosts

Stacey Harvey-Brown
Stacey Harvey-Brown has been teaching weaving since 2005, firstly at The Loom Room in the UK and now, from her new studio near Nérac, in the heart of Gascony, SW France.
Having tried weaving on a holiday course in 1991, and subsequently getting totally hooked, Stacey went on to take a distance learning diploma – the Bradford Diploma of Handloom Weaving – in 1994 which led to interesting opportunities.

Graham Brown
Husband, Cook & Brewer
Graham Brown is a musician (cellist), cook, micro-brewer and general all-round good egg! Having retired from music teaching, he has taken on the unofficial role of host to Stacey’s students, ensuring their culinary needs are catered for, which includes sampling his home-brewed English ale if so desired!
He keeps the garden tamed (!) and the kitchen stocked with food and drink – possibly the most important job!
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