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After rescuing a 1930s jacquard power loom from being sent to the scrapyard, she managed to get funding from her local authority and the Arts Council to attend a 2 ½ month course in Florence, Italy, to learn to design and weave using the old card-cutting technology of the loom.  Having acquired 4 sample jacquard looms (built 1880s) from Leeds University which were being replaced with a digital jacquard, Stacey was then able to pass on her knowledge to weavers wanting to experience the old ways. 

As well as more experienced weavers, Stacey enjoys teaching novice weavers on three table looms with 4 or 8 shafts, and also intermediate weavers who can use a Louet floor loom with 12 shafts.  

All detail copyright 2022 © The Loom Room

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